I’m happy to announce that the first version of Blink on Docker is now available on GitHub! Automated builds of the main containers are also available through Docker Hub. And thanks to the new webhook subscription feature, the Docker images are now automatically rebuilt when the images on which they are based are updated.

If you want to try it, here are 4 simple commands to get it running:

git clone https://github.com/plaperdr/blink-docker.git
cd blink-docker/
python3 downloadFromHub.py
python3 run.py

Here is a list of features included in this release:

  • Blink in containers: Apart from the installation and maintenance scripts, everything runs at lightning speed in Docker containers with the same performance as native applications.
  • Up-to-date plugins: One of the main problems with the VirtualBox version of Blink was the difficulty to maintain an up-to-date reservoir of plugins for all virtual machines. Now, plugins are updated directly from the package manager of each operating system.
  • Easy installation: You can either download the containers or build them yourself with one simple command.
  • Automatic updates: A first implementation of automatic updates are included in this release with plans in the future for a more streamlined and lighter process.

More advanced anti-fingerprinting features are in development and will be added when they are stable and fully tested. Feedback and bug reports are welcome on GitHub! Stay tuned for a future update on Blink!